Your contact for complete wheels, rims and tyres
Your contact for complete wheels, rims and tyres
Als einer der größten Sonderradhersteller für Traktoren, Mähdrescher, Baumaschinen, Autokrane und Sonderfahrzeuge in Europa bieten wir neben einem umfangreichen Vollsortiment im Reifenbereich auch komplexe technische Problemlösungen rund ums Thema Rad. With over 40 years of experience in the industry and a passion for our customers' requirements, we are at your side with personal, competent advice and comprehensive service.
Always the right solution! Whether complete wheels or tyres - we supply you with the right wheel for every challenge!
Rims and tyres for agriculture and municipal services - Adapted to your requirements.
Through individually adapted tyres, companies can achieve cost savings of up to 30%.
Grasdorf for sustainable forest management
Grasdorf is committed to the sustainable management of our forests. Soil-conserving and safe driving lay the foundation stones for this.
In the right place at the right time!
Grasdorf equips the ports of this world with Running Gear and plays to its strengths.
All accessible. And with more safety and performance.
Crane vehicles play a key role in the currently booming construction industry. Standing on safe wheels is a matter of course.
Strong partners for strong products
strong partners for strong products
With us you can get tyres, tubes and accessories from many manufacturers for the agricultural, municipal, industrial and forestry sectors - whether premium or low-budget.

v.l.n.r.: Joachim G. Wolf (Grasdorf) und Erwin Schwab (Pneuhage Gruppe) blicken einer gemeinsamen Zukunft freudig entgegen. (Bildquelle: Pneuhage) Grasdorf GmbH Pressemitteilung: Weiterführung der Grasdorf GmbH